The Acidgrooves DSP SDK is an extensive library of algorithms for audio processing with complete facilities for filtering, mixing, and dynamics processing, including advanced low-level DSP functions and control blocks.
The Algorithms provided are commercial-grade with included support for cross platform integration and distribution.
Acidgrooves DSP SDK Features:
- Portable C++
- Standard Coding Interface across modules
- Cross Platform compilation facilities
- 2 Licensing schemes: Full Source Code or Dynamic Linking for lower entry cost
- 3 Different licensing packages: Basic, Complete & Premium
- Example projects for Xcode, Visual Studio (2010 & 2012), Code Blocks
- RAII pattern of programming
- Latest release is always tested in Xcode, Visual Studio, and Linux
- Test Bed Audio Plug-In for quick prototyping
- Developed with Continuous Integration (CI) in mind, access is provided via a controlled GIT repository with master, stable, and develop branches always available
- 32 & 64 bit capabilities
- 100% compatible with the JUCE C++ Library for GUI development
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